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Pamala is an Empath and has been since she was a child. Because of this sensitivity she knew she was supposed to help others.
She was lead by Spirit to read Tarot and to do Energy work. She picked up her first deck of Tarot cards over 30 years ago. This event changed her life and started her gently on her Spiritual journey. She started reading professionally around 15 years ago.
Pamala is a Master/Teacher of Usui and Rainbow Reiki. She also teaches classes in Reiki, Chakras, meditation and Feng Shui. She does house blessings, clearings, weddings and funerals.
You can contact Pamala at her Facebook Business Page – https://www.facebook.com/gudiedbyspirit
To contact the host (Chris): www.curioustimes.ca https://www.facebook.com/curioustimesradio