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Intuitive, Medium, Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Clairaudient, Claircognizant, Empath, Psychometry, Tarot, Pendulum, Magnified Healing Master Teacher, Universal Life Church Minister, Life and Business Coach
Hillary delivers messages from spirit with appreciation and compassion for other people’s thoughts and feelings, to help those help themselves in a truthful manner. She does this by showing you the big picture in a comprehensive way; through the past, present, the future, new realities, choices and fated events, helping you co-create your life. Whatever your religion, orientation, lifestyle, or beliefs are, Hillary reads from a place of acceptance.
Hillary is a truthful reader, yet reading only what you ask her to read. Hillary uses all of her gifts during a spiritual reading to help you make informed choices. She shows you options, you use your free will. Hillary’s unique, as well as, different gifts are blended together, which allows you to use one or all of the 3 Cs; Calm, Clarity and Confirmation. Then she incorporates Life/Business Coaching so you move forward to plan, to organize and to follow through with everyday concerns. Spawning this positive growth in a safe and secure environment, this allows feelings and emotions to flow. This is for those who choose to create positive situations for themselves or change the negative to a positive in their life making lifestyle changes.
Ask Hillary Black may be helpful to you as spirit touches your life in a positive, practical manner, identifying and assisting you through concerns, while supporting change with composure, thus helping you move forward with confidence, as well as, clarity to make choices. Hillary is not a counselor but relates to you what Spirit imparts on her. You use your discrimination with the additional information.
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