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The first 2 hours we will catch up with Lisa LaMendola, talk about the new School she’s opening, and Lisa will do some Medical Mediumship readings for our callers.
The third hour, as always, will be open mic Overtime at Curious Times.
Lisa LaMendola has been a remarkably gifted and highly renowned Psychic & Medical Medium for the last 30 years. Lisa has taken her remarkable gifts and channeled them into a way to help people receive incredible insight into their specific individual health and wellness needs.
Through Medical Mediumship and Naturopathy, and working with open minded Doctors, along with personal research and personal experiences, Lisa is able to give you the answers and direction you need to heal the root of the problem. Instead of putting a bandage on your symptoms, Lisa will find the root cause in order to give you specific answers and find solutions to end the suffering.
Lisa’s clients find her when they have exhausted all other possibilities for their health issues. Lisa also connects to your spirit to find out why this happened, and what you need to do to fix it, physically and emotionally. By using her vast experience (professional and personal), continued in depth research, and gifts as a medical medium, Lisa shows you how to help yourself when all else has failed.
DISCLAIMER: Lisa LaMendola will never tell you to not listen to your doctor, nor will she ever tell you to do something that contradicts their advice or to stop taking something they have prescribed. Instead she is here to work with you and your health care provider, so that true healing can happen and a better life can be lived.