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Kathleen is our guest on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. On the 2nd Wednesday of each month we will be having a discussion show, while on the 4th Wednesday of each month we will talk with Kathleen in the first 40 minute segment then open up the phone lines and she will provide readings for you.
Kathleen Moore is a gifted psychic medium, clairvoyant, spiritual counselor and ordained minister. She has given countless readings to people seeking her counsel from around the world. Kathleen has been helping her clients with connection to their loved ones, intuitive coaching and being able to see into their future.
Kathleen grew up in British Columbia and moved to the United States in 1985. Kathleen worked as a seasonal naturalist for 20 years. This career was chosen due to her love of nature and connection to spirit through animals. Kathleen knew at a young age that she saw the world differently. Being different than others is part of her spiritual resume. It is a gift she believes she was given to help others along their spiritual journey. She started professional readings at 18 while obtaining her degree in interpretive science.
Kathleen has been doing readings for over 25 years strictly by word of mouth and referral. She delivers her readings with confidence and in a no-nonsense way. Her services include private readings, gallery readings, house cleansings and motivational speaking events.
She has always felt great honor in connecting with her clients and she enjoys assisting others.
To learn more about Kathleen and the services she provides:
Phone – 330-554-8202 or by email at KathleenMooreReading@gmail.com